Why This Place is Important
Antioch Baptist
Built in 1886 by freedmen and their descendants, Antioch is important to the history of Georgia and the South as it emerged from the Civil War Era. By building this church, its founders were setting their intentions and solidifying their connection to the land that they could finally live on and worship freely. For 100 years, uncounted souls passed through these doors looking for salvation, comfort, and joy in some of the hardest times our nation has faced. We think keeping her presence and story alive for future generations is critical to understanding our collective past. For more Antioch history click HERE.
She has recently been placed on the Georgia Trust Places in Peril list, and we think the timing is good for a successful renovation effort. Support is now building for her preservation and you can help. Please join the Friends of Antioch group here in order to make a donation and be part of the movement to save and support the efforts that will bring her back into community service once again. This will be an ongoing story and as a member of the Friends community, you can be part of it.