Preserving Our History | Enriching Our Future

“We shape our buildings, thereafter, they shape us…”

Preservation Overview

The purpose of this assessment in Phase 1 is to identify building deficiencies and to make recommendations for future treatment. This assessment does not focus on restoration to a specific period but recommends preservation-focused treatments to arrest deterioration, ensure life safety, and stabilize the structure. While recommendations have been made for Phase 11 future restoration or rehabilitation work, the primary goal is to secure and stabilize the building.  Failure to complete the recommended work will result in the continued, accelerated deterioration of Antioch Baptist Church

Church Design & Materials

Generally speaking, this assessment is to provide a framework for preservation efforts and maintenance work on the structure. The recommendations support the notion that all decisions should be made with the goal of preserving the building in the most accurate way possible. This report also includes notes for future restoration or rehabilitation efforts. It should also be noted that any future restoration or rehabilitation work will require additional research into the building and its history. All work should be based on historical, documentary, and physical evidence.

Timeline & Team

Landmark Preservation, domiciled in Savannah, is responsible for the assessment preparation and will serve as the general contractor. The timeline for completion of Phase 1 (the stabilization) will depend on the success and the timeliness of the funding campaign. Phase 11 funding (the renovation) will begin once the structure has been stabilizied.